Tuesday, April 08, 2003

I've Had a Secret. . . .

For the past two weeks, I have not been able to discuss what I'm most concerned about. That's why I've been neglecting this journal. Sorry for the secret-keeping. It wasn't my idea, and it bothered me a great deal. But here's the truth:

My company's name and assets have just been sold to its largest rival. All of us were laid off as of last Friday. Some of us (including me) have been kept on by the new owners under provisional contracts, but they're definitely temporary. (Four weeks, unless I get an extension.) There have been some hints that some of us may be able to work remotely, but it seems most likely that unless I would like to move to Utah, I can't go on working for this company.

Provo is out of the question, so I am job-hunting again. I'm getting great references from my boss here, and I'm looking for positions in tech writing, marketing communications, and my beloved publishing. Something will turn up, and in the meantime there is always freelance work.

In the good news, Paul started a new job yesterday; he was hired Thursday. I was afraid we were going to attain 100% unemployment in the household. Michele's job-hunting is going well; while she's home, she's dividing her time between looking for work and doing heavy-duty cleaning.

I've got a four-week contract, but that could end or be extended. Who knows?

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